Man with yellow face
Board, broom head, spatulas, brushes, wheel brace, metal tin
80 x 60 cm
Part of the Munich-Neuperlach primary school project
Woman with yellow flower
Board, brushes, raffia flower, flan base tin, sieves, pieces of metal
80 x 60 cm
Part of the Munich-Neuperlach primary school project
Woman with yellow face
Board, brushes, combs, metal fittings, Allen key, lemon squeezer,
mortars, raffia flower
80 x 60 cm
Part of the Munich-Neuperlach primary school project
Woman with green face
Board, brushes, rakes, biscuit cutters, trivet, sieves
80 x 60 cm
Part of the Munich-Neuperlach primary school project
Nude woman
Board, metal flower pots, vases, mortars, coat hangers, wooden tray
80 x 120 cm
Inspired by Francisco Goya's "The nude Maja"
Dressed woman
Board, metal flower pots, vases, mortars, lace panty, coat hangers,
wooden tray
80 x 120 cm
Inspired by Francisco Goya's "The dressed Maja"
View of Fujiyama
Board, chopsticks, pearl buttons, coat hangers, decorative lock elements
80 x 120 cm
Girl with sunglasses
Acrylic paint on canvas
80 x 60 cm
Inspired by "Beautiful girl..." (1998)