Woman with calla lilies III
Board, cake tin, artificial calla lilies, raffia placemat
80 x 60 cm
Inspired by Diego Rivera's "Nude with calla lilies"
Woman with calla lilies IV
Board, cake tin, artificial calla lilies, raffia placemat
80 x 60 cm
Inspired by Diego Rivera's "Nude with calla lilies"
Woman with calla lilies V
Board, cake tin, artificial calla lilies, raffia placemat
80 x 60 cm
Inspired by Diego Rivera's "Nude with calla lilies"
Watermelons on the table
Board, table top, wooden melons, picture frame
80 x 120 cm
Inspired by Diego Rivera's "Watermelons
Watermelons on the table with a chair
Board, table top, wooden melons, chair back
80 x 120 cm
Two women on Tahiti beach
Board, rug, cake tins, artificial leaves
80 x 120 cm
Inspired by Paul Gauguin's "Tahitian women on the beach"
The artist and his muse
Board, trousers, ornamental railings, rope, tortilla press handles,
drawer handles
120 x 80 cm